

The aim of The Journal of Plant Genetic Resources is to mainly reported reviews and papers related to plant genetic resources.


The content of the report is the research results of basic theoretical research and applied research of plant genetic resources, innovative academic papers and high-level reviews or comments, mainly including the origin, evolution and classification of species, investigation, collection, preservation and evaluation of germplasm resources, exploration of excellent germplasm resources and gene resources, genetic diversity, functional gene and omics research, bioinformatics, etc., covering field crops, horticultural crops, ornamental and medicinal plants, forest plants, grass plants and other economic plants.


Submission Guidelines

Submission of manuscripts

The manuscript should be submitted online at:


Manuscript preparation

The manuscripts should be formatted in DOC file with A4 paper size, 1.5-line spacing, single column, and wide margin.


Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order:

· Title (should be clear, descriptive and no more than 50 characters, including spaces)

· Full name(s) and addresses of author(s)

· The institutions at which the work was carried out and their present addresses. The email address and telephone numbers of the author who is responsible for correspondence.

· Abstract (should be concise and clearly summarizes the questions, the approaches, the major findings, and the significance of the results) followed by keywords, normally 3-6 items.

· Introduction (should provide the necessary background information)

· Materials and methods(should be concise and clearly)

· Results

· Discussion(should not repeat the results)

· Acknowledgments and any additional information concerning research grants, etc.

· References


Tables and figures

The charts shall be arranged after the first mention of the text, and the chart notes shall be placed above the chart title. The chart title, table title, horizontal and vertical item columns and notes in the table shall be in both Chinese and English. The midpoint line in the line diagram shall be accurate and clear. Please provide drawing parameters for software drawing. The table is arranged with three lines without vertical lines. The final version of the figures should be created using Photoshop, PowerPoint (PPT) or similar software, in TIFF, JPEG or PPT format.



References should be numbered in sequence as they appear. References to unpublished data and personal communications should not be cited in the list but should be cited in the text only. All citations mentioned in the text, tables or figures must be listed in the reference list.


[1] Chen G J, Jin Y R, Liu C Y, Jia D S, Fan Q Q, Liu J D, Liu P. Genome-wide association study of root system architecture related traits in common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 2020, 21(4): 975-983

[2] Amrutha V, Shanija S, Beena R, Nithya N, Jaslam M P K, Soni K B, Viji M. Population structure analysis and marker trait association in selected set of Indian tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) varieties under high temperature condition. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2022, 69:183-207

[3] Zhang Q F. Purple tomatoes, black rice and food security. Nature Review Genetics2021, DOI:10.1038/s41576-021-00359-3

[4] Zhou L JZhou Y JGao FZhao Z. Bioinformatics analysis of glutathione peroxidase in Arabidopsis. Journal of MUCNatural Sciences Edition, 2010, 19 (2): 11-16

[5] Sun L. QTL Mapping of waterlogging tolerance and seed-related in Brassica Napus. Nanjing: Nanjing Agricultural University, 2019

[6] Xu W J, Liu X J, Sun J, Wu Y R, Liu H W, Huang X Q, Wei M X,Wu Y Z, Sun H, Zhang C H, Qin R, Cui F. Genome-wide association analysis of drought resistance of wheat root traits. 10th National Congress of Wheat Genomics and Molecular Breeding, Yantai, Shandong, China, 2019

[7] Zhou B C, OuY S X, Zhou J R, Huang F J, Shi T, Tu H P, Xiong D L, Xu Y H, Liu X W, Yang Y L, Xu H X. LY/T1851-2009. Guidelines for the conduct of tests for distinctness, uniformity and stability-chestnut (Castanea mollissima Bl.). Beijing: Standards Press of China, 2009

[8]Guo H Y. Why do we pay attention to “hidden hunger”. Beijing Youth Daily. (2019-10-20)[2022-03-12].



By signing the copyright assignment, the copyright of the manuscript accepted for publication is transferred legally to The Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. The editorial board therefore has the authority to distribute its printed and electronic versions to related databases worldwide. Articles cannot be published until authors have signed the appropriate license agreement. 


Publishing permission of illustrations

If all or parts of previously published illustrations are used, permission must be obtained from the source publications.


Publication fees

To provide open access, the Journal of Plant Genetic Resources has an open access fee (also known as an article publishing charge, APC) which needs to be paid by the authors or by their research funder or institution. This publication is printed in full color, accepted manuscripts should pay RMB 500 yuan for each printed page (within 10 pages), additional 800 yuan for each page (more than 10 pages). Authors who require more information (e.g., about waivers or discounts as provided by the journal), please contact the editorial office (e-mail:


Submission Guidelines